How To Rename A File In Python and Change File Extension

Python is one of the most common and powerful programming languages. Experts reveal that its versatile and straightforward nature makes it an easy and preferable option among most individuals. You can use this tool for your various tasks, making it popular in programming. Regardless of your experience level, you can improve your productivity using a few Python code lines.

Many individuals find it ideal to use the language in performing various functions and solving problems. Renaming and moving files is common when using Python to achieve different tasks. Nevertheless, many individuals find it challenging to rename their files and change the extensions. This article explores how to rename a file in python and change file extension.

Get the File Path of the Specific File

Despite the variations of renaming folders with Python, the first or primary step is getting the right file path of your preferred program. Experts recommend that you need to understand the location of the specific folder. Check your system to identify the folder with the program you need to change the name. The program should be able to tell the complete path of the specific program we need to rename in the Python scripts or directories. Let’s see how you can find the path in Linux and windows:


You can get the file path when using windows by opening Explorer. Then proceed to the place or location with the file and click the path. Ensure that you choose the one you intend to change the name of.

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Understanding the path in Linux will be vital before renaming your files using Python. We’ve got various ways or methods you can use to find the right path in Linux. For instance, you can start by opening the Terminal Window and using the Xclip or readlink command-line application.

Copying the Specific Path of the File

After getting the right path, you can proceed to copy it to make it easy for you to transfer to another location when changing the name. You can copy the path by right-clicking it after marking or highlighting it. Ensure that you copy the entire name or code to get a successful renaming process.

Import the Operating System Module

You can proceed to import a specific python module, s,’ after highlighting or copying the path. Remember, importing the module is easy, involving getting the specific module from your location. The different operating systems have different importation processes you must consider for successful results.

Renaming the File

After importing the file, you’ll be ready to rename it using the module. If the folder has a long path, you can begin by creating a string of variables. Below is a process for changing the name of your file with Python:

Changing the file name in windows

Add an extra / to all the subfolders to change the name on your windows operating system. The process also involves adding the path in all the files you want to rename and the results. You can add a string variable to the path using the .’ It’ll be vital to perform the process to prevent the file from moving to the Python Script folder. Besides preventing the program from moving, the process will also rename the folder.

Renaming the file in Linux

The different paths make it slightly different from renaming in Linux. Nevertheless, you can use the same process in windows but consider the different paths when renaming Linux.

Renaming Multiple Files in Python

Besides renaming a single program, there is an increased need to understand the procedure of renaming many programs in the pythons. Let’s look at how you can rename numerous files in Python:

Experts reveal that there are various methods you can use to rename multiple files. The common method is to generate the Python list using the folder names you intend to change. Nevertheless, it may not be an ideal opinion when you have to change the name of various files. Preferably, you can use other alternatives, like the istdir’ or nmatch.’ Ensure you choose a method that provides an optimal result or achieves it through a simple process.

When renaming multiple programs, the first step is creating a list of text files. These text files should be present in the particular folder; for example, you can consider any_Files’ as your preferred subfolder. Remember to add the subfolder on the file_path string.

You can proceed to get through the loop to each program and rename them. Experts recommend that you use a file-path string from a specific code chunk with the location. Changing the path to the folder will also be appropriate if you want to rename it to a different folder.

When creating the folder, you can use an enumerate method to provide a unique name. Experts prefer that you use the str method or process in changing the data type. When using Linux, you have to get a different path to find the specific one you need to rename. You can also consider other appropriate and straightforward functions, like abs(), to get more value in the process.

How to rename different files by replacing the file name’s character

Besides the straightforward process of renaming your multiple files, you may require to replace certain characters in different folders. For instance, the process may require you to replace underscores in the name. With the process, you’ll have to replace both the symbols and the files.

Experts reveal that the process involves identifying the location before starting the process. You can then proceed to rename the files and the varying characters. Despite the similarity, you have to change the file_path string when renaming the specific files using the Linux process.

Bottom Line

Renaming files and changing extensions is common when having programming tasks like Python. Despite the straightforward process of renaming these files, some individuals find it difficult to rename different files using Python. The process involves identifying the location, copying the file’s specific path, importing the OS module, and renaming the folder. You can read the above guide to understand how to rename the files in Linux and windows.