Top Software and Tools For Python Developers with Overviews and Prices

Python has been around since 1989, but now it’s one of the most popular programming languages on GitHub due to its simple syntax, readable code, and easy data analysis libraries. If you are looking for new ways to enhance the development process and have a better, more productive workflow by picking up the right tool, we got you covered. Here is a list of the top 10 useful software and tools that can boost your Python development.

1) PyCharm Professional is one of the most popular Python IDEs, with powerful debugging and code analysis capabilities. It offers all you need for productive Python, Web, and scientific development.

PyCharm supports Python 3.6 and is cross-platform, running on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Key features:

Git integration

Code Intelligence

Autocomplete and Go to Definition

Code analysis and refactoring support for Python 3.6+

$8.90 every month and $89.00 every year

Give your kids a head start! Learn Python using an intuitive and user-friendly approach with CodeMonkey. Sign up now!

2) Spyder is a cross-platform, open-source IDE that offers several features such as code intelligence, debugging & profiling tools, a debugger (with breakpoints), unit testing, etc. It’s a great IDE for both beginners and experts.

Key features:

Git integration

Code intelligence

$20 per month subscription

Cross-platform with macOS and Linux support (for example, the Linux build of Spyder works on Ubuntu itself, which is not an easy task)

3) PyCharm Community Edition is a free Python IDE for Windows and Linux that offers a lot of features such as code intelligence, IDE plugins, Jupyter integrated GUI console, etc. It’s also cross-platform. The version offered here is a fully functional version without any limitations. It works exactly like a commercial version with some minor differences in appearance, and it comes with no limitations tied to its license.

4) Dr. Python is a cross-platform, open-source IDE for Python development. It offers a number of features such as code intelligence, debugging & profiling tools, a debugger (with breakpoints), unit testing, etc. It’s also available on different platforms, such as Windows and Linux.

Key features:

Code intelligence, autocomplete and code analysis integration for Python 2/3, Numpy, and Scipy libraries.

$8.90 every month and $89.00 every year

Cross-platform with macOS and Linux support (for example, has a native look on Ubuntu itself)


5) Anaconda is an enhanced package manager and environment manager. It’s an extremely popular platform for Python 3. It’s very versatile and offers everything needed for Python software development.

The installation process is a little complex, so it’s recommended that you use Ubuntu-based virtual machines (VirtualBox) to do this. Anaconda will work on many Linux distributions, including CentOS, OS X, ArchLinux, Debian, and others.

6) PythonAnywhere is an online Python IDE that runs in your browser and offers many features such as code intelligence, syntax highlighting, debugging & profiling tools, unit testing, IPython console, etc.

It’s recommended to use it with Chrome browser.

Key features:

Python 3.4+ support with 48 libraries preinstalled (NumPy and SciPy for scientific computing)

IPython console integrated into the environment for interactive sessions and debugging.

$9.90 every month and $89.00 every year

Code analysis and refactoring for Python 3.4+

7) Atom is a cross-platform text editor both for Windows and Linux. It offers a lot of features such as code intelligence, syntax highlighting, debugging & profiling tools, unit testing, etc. It’s also available on different platforms, such as Windows and macOS. Note that Atom Editor is not an IDE. Therefore, it doesn’t include any features to make your development process faster in terms of code intelligence like PyCharm does or to make you develop software more easily. Some other IDEs that offer this feature are PyCharm Community Edition and Spyder. NOTE: The version here is a stable version compatible with at least Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 installed

Key features:

Code intelligence for Python 2/3/4 with 48 preinstalled libraries and modules (NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Pandas)

A $10 monthly subscription

Python language support: syntax highlighting, code intelligence (autocomplete), debugging & profiling tools (breakpoints), unit testing, and more.

8) Django is a free, open-source application framework for developing web applications. It offers a lot of features, such as database support, URL routing, authentication, and authorization.

This is the software that powers several big websites like Instagram, Mozilla, and more.

Key features:

a $20 per month subscription

Site administration interface with database support for Django out of the box (SQLite 3)

URL routing support for easy navigation throughout the websites (with .htaccess files)

9)Flask is a microframework for Python to develop web applications. It offers a lot of features such as URL routing, user authentication, and authorization, database support (SQLite), etc.

Key features:

URL routing support for easy navigation throughout the websites (with .htaccess files)

User authentication and authorization with Flask-Login extension

$8.90 every month and $89.00 every year

10) CherryPy is a web application framework that focuses on simplicity, flexibility, and performance. It’s a Python-based web application server that gives developers the necessary tools to build their own applications from scratch.

Key features:


Extensible HTTP server and WSGI container: extend CherryPy to do things it does not support out of the box. Support for WebOb (fast request dispatching, URL routing, access to query parameters, etc.), Twisted (network communication), and other WSGI libraries.

Database interface: use any database supported by SQLAlchemy, including SQLite 3 (included with CherryPy).

How to Excel at Python Web Development

Whether you’re new to Python web development or an experienced developer, here are a few tips to help you excel at Python web development:

1. Use a Python web framework.

Python web frameworks make the process of developing Python web applications much simpler and faster. They also provide a structure that can help keep your code organized and maintainable. So if you’re starting out with Python web development, be sure to use a framework.

2. Follow the PEP 8 style guide.

PEP 8 is the official style guide for Python code. Following its recommendations can help you write more readable and consistent code. And since most Python IDEs can be configured to warn you about style violations, there’s really no excuse not to follow it.

3. Use a Python linter.

A linter is a tool that can check your code for errors and potential problems. This can be a huge help in spotting and fixing issues early on. And since there are many excellent Python linters available, there’s really no excuse not to use one.

4. Write tests for your code.

Writing tests is a great way to ensure that your code is working as intended and that any changes you make don’t break existing functionality. It can also help you find and fix bugs more quickly. So if you’re not already writing tests, be sure to start doing so.

5. Use version control.

Version control is a must for any software development project, Python web development included. It allows you to track changes to your code and revert back to previous versions if necessary. So if you’re not already using version control, be sure to start doing so.

6. Learn about deployment.

Deploying Python web applications can be challenging, particularly if you’re new to the process. But it’s essential to have at least a basic understanding of how it works. That way, you can confidently deploy your applications and avoid common pitfalls.

7. Stay up to date with the latest Python news.

Python is an ever-evolving language, and new features and improvements are always added. So it’s important to stay up to date with the latest Python news. This can be done by following relevant blogs and subscribing to mailing lists and news feeds.

8. Get involved in the Python community.

The Python community is friendly and welcoming, so don’t be afraid to get involved. There are many ways to do this, such as attending conferences and meetings, participating in online forums, and contributing to open-source projects.

9. Read Python books and tutorials.

Books and tutorials can be a great way to learn about Python web development. They can provide in-depth coverage of specific topics and serve as a reference when you need it. So if you’re looking to learn more about Python web development, be sure to check out some of the available books and tutorials.

10. Experiment and have fun.

Python is a great language for experimentation and tinkering. So don’t be afraid to try something new or explore different ways of doing things. The worst thing that can happen is that you’ll learn something. And who knows, you might just stumble upon the next big thing.

Python is a great language for web development, and there are many reasons to choose it as your framework of choice. When you use Python to develop websites, you can enjoy the benefits of a wide range of libraries and frameworks and an active community that can help you when you need it. So if you’re looking to get started with Python web development, be sure to keep these tips in mind.